Mudbloods Book

The term “Mudblood” (dirty blood) was used as a derogatory name for anyone who had one or both parents that were Muggles. Hermione Granger was muggle-born, and she was often called a “Mudblood” from other witches and wizards of pure lineage (though almost everyone could trace a muggle in their […]

Rejection Letter

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington was almost completely beheaded, but unfortunately a half an inch of skin and sinew kept his head attached to his body. As a result, he wasn’t able to join the Headless Hunt, and he received this rejection letter. This is printed on both sides and stiff […]

Scabbers Cup

Professor McGonagall teaches her Transfiguration class how to transform animals into cups. When Ron taps his broken wand on Scabbers and utters, “Vera Verto,” Scabbers turns into a weird hybrid of a rat-style cup, with fur and a tail. Instead of a rat, my cup is made out of polymer […]

Weasley Family Photo

This was the photo that ultimately began the Second Wizarding War. It all started because Sirius Black saw this photo in The Daily Prophet, with Ron holding Scabbers (Peter Pettigrew). I made this ornament by printing out the photo and using painted coffee stirrers for the frame I used acetate […]

Levitating Cupcakes

“How thick could you get?” -Ron Weasley when he saw Crabbe and Goyle grab and eat two obviously strange, suspiciously floating cupcakes that were in front of their faces. Hermione placed a sleeping draught in the cupcakes to knock out the Slytherin boys so Harry and Ron could steal their […]

Death Eater Mask

Death Eater Masks were worn by Voldemort’s followers, the Death Eaters. They wore the masks to hide their identities, because many were considered well-known in the wizarding world. Each Death Eater mask was unique. I purchased this miniature Death Eater mask through CandAServices on Etsy and painted it myself.