
Butterbeer is the most-mentioned drink in the series. If you’d like to try your hand at making it, there’s a recipe below for you. I got this butterbeer ornament from FandomNerd30Emporium on Etsy. It looks good enough to drink!

Death Eater Mask

Death Eater Masks were worn by Voldemort’s followers, the Death Eaters. They wore the masks to hide their identities, because many were considered well-known in the wizarding world. Each Death Eater mask was unique. I purchased this miniature Death Eater mask through CandAServices on Etsy and painted it myself.


A herd of domesticated Thestrals resides at Hogwarts, and they’re used to pull the carriages for the students from the train station to the school. They’re black, have no flesh, and their skin clings directly to their bones. With their white eyes, bat-like leathery wings, and carnivorous appetites, they can […]